Fontana Arte - Tour Table | Salvioni
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Fontana Arte
One of the most influential representatives of the made in Italy lighting design, FontanaArte has its roots in the nineteenth century with the foundation of a glass factory in Milan by the entrepreneur Luigi Fontana. The real brand was born from the meeting between the latter and Giò Ponti, the first artistic director, leaving an indelible mark on the style of the company, so much that his creations still play a central role in the FontanaArte catalog. Glass and crystal gave the brand an immediate international success since the early years, thanks also to the collaboration with the master glassmaker Pietro Chiesa.Read more

Designed by

Gae Aulenti

Gae Aulenti
Gae Aulenti (1927-2012) was the most important female figure in Italian architecture and design of the twentieth century. Originally from Friuli Venezia Giulia, she graduated from the Milan Polytechnic and was a member of the editorial staff of the Casabella magazine from 1955 to 1965, under the direction of the famous architect Ernesto Nathan Rogers. Her first experiences as an architect are linked to two leading names in the Italian industry: at the end of the 1960s she had the opportunity to create the Olivetti showrooms in Buenos Aires and Paris (for which she will also design one of the most famous her design products, the Pipistrello lamp, later mass-produced by Martinelli Luce) and the interiors of Gianni Agnelli's Milanese apartment, of which she will remain a friend for life. However, the architectural typology to which she most closely linked her fame is that of museums, such as the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, obtained from an old disused station, the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya in Barcelona and the New Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. Another great passion of her was the theatrical scenographies, with numerous productions on the Milan scale. As a designer she had a long collaboration with FontanaArte, of which she was also artistic director since 1979, and she has also designed successful products for brands such as Zanotta, Knoll, Artemide, Venini and Poltronova (including the furniture collection Locus Solus, now re-proposed by Exteta).Read more