G.T. Design - In-Canto Rug | Salvioni
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Suggested versions (3)

In-Canto RugClassic In-Canto Rug

Price starting from
€ 3.148,00

In-Canto RugForte In-Canto Rug

Price starting from
€ 3.367,00

In-Canto RugAcquerello In-Canto Rug

Price starting from
€ 4.355,00

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Ecrù Platino
Bronzo Ecrù
Zaffiro Platino
Platino Rose
Rubino Magenta



G.T. Design
Those made by GT Design are not only excellent design rugs, but also real textile poems. The philosophy that guides the brand goes beyond simple craftsmanship, which is also an indispensable feature, and aims to convey emotions through an object of daily use such as the carpet. Sons of a constant research close to the avant-garde fashion, the carpets of the GT Design catalog aim to recreate at home the sensations of natural environments and give the opportunity to fully live their materiality, going to establish a close tactile relationship with the bodies.Read more