Poliform | Living Milano - Milano Design Week 2021
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Installations , Showrooms

Poliform | Living Milano

Salvioni Design Solutions features an installation made with the historic partner Poliform, a company that symbolically embodies the first steps taken together in the world of furniture design.

“Living Milano” is a project that reinterprets the typical style of Milanese houses, an evocative panorama of Made in Italy design that welcomes and guides the visitor within the six exhibition floors of the showroom. An avant-garde concept, which encompasses the need for modern living, dynamic and attentive to the changing needs of today.

Poliform is a leading company in the production of high-end furniture, whose strength is measured in its proposals from the living space to the bedroom, without however neglecting the precious areas of the kitchen, fundamental elements of everyday life.

Over the years, this versatility has given rise to unique, functional and extremely valuable proposals that, during this Milan Design Week, the company will be able to show in the refined atmosphere of the Salvioni Milano Durini store.